Saturday, September 19, 2009

Our Daily Walk

What great opportunities we have today to worship. There are so many “devotional” sites that one with the internet has no excuse not to take a few moments each day worship. I can remember when I was a young preacher it was much more difficult to find sources that helped with a “quiet” time. Books were expensive and when finances were tight essentially unavailable.

We always had God’s Word and there is no better material than the teaching of Scripture but so often it simply became an exercise in reading. In the last few years I have been so blessed by the resources that have helped my devotional times.
Almost all “big” churches have a very good presence on the internet. You can find pastors sermons just a click away. I have three that I listen to all the time. Some are simply audio while others are available in video. Just search for a particular church and go to their website and look for the sermons. Bookmark the ones you like and you are just a couple clicks away from a good sermon on Tuesday morning.

Search for devotionals and you will be amazed at the sites that offer free daily devotionals. Many of them are able to send a daily devotional or thought to your email. Wake up in the morning grab your coffee and you Bible and check your email. How easy can that be?

Sites like and have great short video resources for worship. If you facebook then do everyone a great favor when you find a great short worship video. Simply copy the URL or the Embedded code and share it with your friends. Hey, I think that is called being a witness!

With the power of the internet in the present day we have no excuse to skip a daily walk with God’s Spirit and I wonder why we can send jokes and political pokes but have failed to see the power of sending a positive redemptive message of God’s love to all the friends on our forward list. Hmmm… I think I just thought of something to do on a daily basis.
I hope you enjoy this….

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